A woman's asteroid nightmares leave her on high alert; a teen is plagued by visions of a zombie apocalypse; a girl fears the zombies in her dreams could come into reality through her mirrors.
True-crime documentary series exploring a variety of heinous killings, uncovering the events that led up to the brutal attacks in an attempt to understand the motives behind the murders.
Judge Rhonda is half-appalled when half-sisters are completely split apart because their mother suffered a stroke and one sent money to surprise her with a hospital bed and the other spent the cash on herself.
When her younger cousin fell on hard times and needed money for a car, this woman dug into her pockets and handed over thousands of dollars which, to Judge Rhonda's surprise, was used as a down payment on a fancy luxury vehicle.
Judge Rhonda is half-appalled when half-sisters are completely split apart because their mother suffered a stroke and one sent money to surprise her with a hospital bed and the other spent the cash on herself.
When her younger cousin fell on hard times and needed money for a car, this woman dug into her pockets and handed over thousands of dollars which, to Judge Rhonda's surprise, was used as a down payment on a fancy luxury vehicle.
Rechter Judith Sheindlin behandelt uiteenlopende zaken op kordate wijze.
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